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Adrian Whicher


Just two humble man - made ponds,

Now manned by enthusiastic anglers.

Men and women, boys and girls,

Young, old, keen, bored, hardened, experienced.

Latest gear, old, borrowed, minimal.

Now mature, nature has worked it’s magic here.

Trees, shrubs, rushes, sky, clouds, sunshine, moonshine.

Faces excited, fed up, complacent and resigned.

The mirrored waters catch it all and reflect them, beautifully,

For all to see.

The wildlife carries on, bemused.

Heron sits smugly, crows laugh incessantly.

Kingfishers flash by, dazzling, indescribably blue.

Swallows perform, skimming the water,

Avoiding the lines.

Ducks noisily steal our bread, and at dusk,

Bats miraculously miss our heads!

My young son learnt so much here.

I’ll forever love this place!

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